Upcoming Meetings/Events Below↓ 2024
The core of our Society is our 'monthly' meeting, normally held on the second Wednesday of March, April, May, June, September, October and November at Northside United Church.
The Meetings begin at 7:00pm in the basement hall, and normally feature a qualified speaker on a topic of general horticultural interest. Refreshments are served afterwards, and we all bring our own mugs to reduce garbage. The March meeting normally features a potluck supper, and November's meeting features a banquet at a reasonable cost. In July we usually beat the heat by going on an air conditioned bus tour, and in August we do a more local garden tour followed by 'dessert'. Membership is still only $10.00 per year, and includes a yearbook and discounts on the banquet and bus trip, eligibility to be posted on this site and enter the photo contest, as well as discounts at participating garden suppliers. New members are always welcome, and you may come to a meeting with no pressure to join, so feel free to check us out! |
(March 13)
(April 10) (April 20) (May 8) (May 11) (June 12) (Sunday July 21) (August 14) (September 11) (Sept 13 & 14) (September 29) (October 9) (November 13) |
6pm Potluck Supper. 7pm Speaker: Nick Barclay, "Adventures in New Zealand". (BYO utensils)
7pm Speaker: Cobe Giroux "Iris" District #8 Annual General Meeting, Neustadt. Registration 8:30am 7pm Speaker: Brenda Gallagher, "Organic Vegetable Gardening" Annual Plant & Bake Sale 8:30am (See link to Annual Plant & Bake Sale in "What We Do") 7pm Speaker: Rose Odell "Pressed Flower - Note Card Workshop" Bus Tour - Dundurn Castle & Garden Visits ~7:15am (See link to Annual Bus Tour in "What We Do") Garden Tour - Kirkton, 5:30pm, Carpool (See link to Free Garden Tour in "What We Do") 7pm Speaker: Jennie Girard, "Bees" Seaforth Fall Fair with Flower Show "Our Roots Run Deep" Ciderfest with Plant Sale 9am at Van Egmond House (See link to Ciderfest in "What We Do") 7pm Speaker: Isa Webb, "Water in Every Garden" 6:00pm AGM / Banquet, Photo Contest Prizes. - See link to Photo Contest in "Photos" ~7:30pm Speaker: David T. Chapman, "Wild, Weird & Wacky Weather" After the Speaker: Annual General Meeting for 2024 Don't forget to Lug your Mug! |